In 2022, One SouthCoast Chamber announced that it was striking a new and stronger relationship with South Coast Human Resources Council (SCHRC), by bringing the organization into the Chamber as the new One SouthCoast Human Resources Council (OSCHRC), chaired by Arti Pacheco, Chamber Board member and long-time member of the prior organization.
“While the Chamber has always had a loose affiliation with the Council, we had always felt that the relationship should be deeper, and Arti’s leadership helped make that happen,” said Rick Kidder. The One SouthCoast Human Resources Council will address issues facing every business owner – large and small and help businesses deal appropriately and correctly with their workforce in what has been a rapidly changing landscape.
Mike O’Sullivan added, “Business owners and HR professionals have had to address a growing number of potential minefields as they seek to have the strongest, most diverse and most loyal workforce to help steer their businesses to greater profitability.”
The federal government and the Commonwealth pass regulatory and statutory measures on an annual basis that affect the way businesses address employment and employee issues, and it is imperative that all employers are in compliance with measures that affect the way they hire, downsize, and address issues of importance. The Chamber, long a partner of the SCHRC, is uniquely positioned to help businesses navigate the often complex world of human resources through expert speakers, round table discussions, best practices and legal expertise.
The activities of the OSCHRC shall include, but not be limited to the following:
- Gathering HR professionals and business owners together on a regular basis to discuss issues of importance
- Present expert-led seminars and workshops designed to present and explain complex issues affecting businesses
- Round table discussions on HR issues affecting businesses and corporations
- Discuss and analyze employment data and trends in the local marketplace
- Build camaraderie among HR professionals and business owners in the South Coast
With partnerships with the MassHire Boards of Greater New Bedford and Bristol County, the Chamber’s new Council will be able to gather together a comprehensive look at the employment picture while also addressing needs of companies for training, access to training funds and compliance issues. Several of the OSCHRC programs will dovetail with the Chamber’s Small Business Seminar series, allowing smaller businesses to access the expertise needed to handle their human resources concerns and issues.
Involvement in the Council is free to all members of the Chamber, and a full schedule of activities will appear on the Chamber web site.