Four Pillars of the Member Experience
Whether you attend networking events, participate in professional development programs, use the electricity savings program or receive referrals, joining the Chamber can be truly beneficial for your business. The Chamber is a helpful support network that you can help your business flourish. As you review the list of member benefits below, we hope you will discover the value of being a member of the One SouthCoast and consider joining the single largest business oriented organization in Southeastern Massachusetts.

CONNECT: Networking & Exposure
- Business After Hours
- Business Builders Breakfast
- New Bedford Seaport Chowder Festival
- SouthCoast Women’s Forum
- Publications & Other Advertising Opportunities
- Referrals
- Member Mailing labels
- Member-2-Member Discount program
- Bi-Monthly Women’s Power Lunch
LEARN New skills and Information for Business Success
- Referrals
- Chamber Member Mailing Labels
- Member-2-Member Discount Program
- Free counseling services through the Small Business Development Center and Mass Export Center
- Public Affairs
- Active Government Affairs Committee
- Active Education Committee
- Active Small Business Committee
- Legislative action and representation
- Public policy statements supporting economic growth
- Good Morning SouthCoast!
- Seminars and workshops
- Committee involvement (Education, DEI, Small Business, Government Affairs)
GROW your business
- Free counseling through SCORE, Massachusetts Small Business Development Center and Massachusetts Export Center
- SouthCoast Job Fair (twice annually)
- SouthCoast Women’s Forum
- Health, Dental, and 401K programs
- Advertising opportunities
ADVOCATE for your business
- Regular Public Policy updates
- Dedicated advocacy staff
- Chambers Policy Network
- SE Massachusetts Alliance of Chambers
- Briefing events from Congressional and State elected officials
- New Bedford Mayoral State of the City Address
- Fall River Mayoral State of Business Address
- Advocacy platform for member outreach and legislative contact
Professional Development
- Workshops & Seminars
Health & Dental Insurance Plans
Health Insurance and Dental Plans are available for small business members with 1-9 employees. For information on available plans or rates through Health Service Administrators (HSA), call 877-777-4414 ext. 593, for BlueCross/BlueShield call 1-800-422-3545 or for Fallon Community Health Plan call 888-809-9354.
- Member-to-Member Discount Program
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Business After Hours
- SouthCoast Business Builders Breakfast
- Chowder Festival
- SouthCoast Women’s Forum
- and more
Publications & Other Advertising Opportunities
- Navigator
- Annual Membership Directory
- Website Advertising
- Eblast Advertising
Ten Benefits of Being a Chamber Member
Need additional business contacts? The Chamber holds monthly networking events so members can meet and exchange ideas, develop business relationships and increase their professional network. Learn more about our Business After Hours networking events.
Member Discounts
Looking to increase your sales? Chamber members can take advantage of our Member Discount program that offers exclusive discounts to the thousands of employees of our 1,000 member businesses. Learn more about how to offer a discount to Chamber members and drive business to your company.
Marketing and Advertising
Need to connect with potential customers? Our marketing options such as our e-News, monthly newsletter publication, and website can position your business as a proactive business and community leader. Research shows that 44%* of consumers are more likely to think favorably of Chamber-involved small businesses and 63% are more likely to purchase goods or utilize services from the company in the future. Learn more about connecting with the thousands of employees of our 1,000 member businesses. Learn More…
Looking for potential customers and leads? The Chamber can help. Each day the Chamber receives phone calls and emails from potential customers looking for businesses that can help them with specific goods or services. We can only recommend Chamber member businesses when we receive a referral request. Let us send customers who are ready to buy to your business.
Export Services
Are you a local exporter? Whether you are just starting to export your products or have been in the game for some time, our in-house specialist from the Massachusetts Export Center can help you open markets and navigate a profitable course of action. Get connected with the state’s leading provider of export development services.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Need to engage a new target market? Chamber events attract more than 7,000 attendees and more than 1,700 business people will read each edition of the Chamber newsletter. Chamber members maintain top-of-mind awareness for their products and services by sponsoring one of our highly promoted business events. Find out how your business can benefit through our sponsorships.
Southeastern Massachusetts Alliance of Chambers
One SouthCoast has assembled a group of nine chambers into a legislative alliance, the purpose of which is to speak with one voice on Beacon Hill and in Washington on issues of importance to the business community. The Alliance operates on a consensus model, weighing in on important issues when there is complete agreement among the member chambers of a position. The Alliance prepares an annual agenda to support business community and to promote a business-friendly public policy environment.
Committees & Taskforces
Looking to position your company as a business leader? How about heightening awareness of your business and enhancing your public profile? Chamber members can get involved with our committees to build connections, raise their professional profile and affect community change. Learn more about our special events committees, Ambassadors Committee and Government Affairs Committee.