Sylvia Group
500 Faunce Corner Road
Building 100, Suite 120
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Ph:Ph: (508) 742-9230
Bank Five
79 North Main Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Ph: (774) 888-6100
Fall River Municipal Credit Union
333 Milliken Boulevard
Fall River, MA 027721
Ph: (508) 678-9028
Executive Committee
St. Anne’s Credit Union
286 Oliver Street
Suite 101
Fall River, MA 02724
Ph: (877) 782-6637
Paul Chasse, REALTOR® Association of Southeastern Massachusetts
651 Orchard Street
Suite 101
New Bedford, MA 02744
(508) 993-4386
20 South 6th Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Ph: (508) 999-3255
Sawejko Communications
61 Alden Place
Somerset, MA 02725
Ph:(508) 673-0320
1476 Purchase Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Ph: (508) 999-2380
Nelson Insurance & Financial Services
155 N Main Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Ph: (508) 672-3096
Southcoast Health
Ph: (508) 997-1515
Fairlawn, Dartmouth & Rock Funeral Homes
Ph: (508) 676-2454
Members of the Board of Directors:
Terms to Expire in December 2025:
Dugan Becker, SouthCoast Wind
Paul Chasse, REALTOR® Association of Southeastern Massachusetts
Peter Daley, People Incorporated
Eileen Danahey, Saint Anne’s Credit Union
Monte Ferris, Ferris Development
Gail Fortes, YWCA of Southeastern Massachusetts
Doug Glassman, SERVPRO of Dartmouth/New Bedford & Marion / Middleboro
Gary P. Howayeck, Esq.
Anthony Medeiros, Mechanics Cooperative Bank
Curtis Nelson, Nelson Insurance & Financial Services
Arti Pacheco, New York Life
Kim Perry, Waring-Sullivan Funeral Home
Terms to Expire in December 2026:
William Burns, Southcoast Health System
Marie Pellegrino, BayCoast Bank
Stephen W. Connulty, Paul & Dixon Insurance
Catherine Dillon, BankFive
Charlie Fellows, Lafrance Hospitality
Jeffrey Glassman, Darn It, Inc.
Jeff Pagliuca, Bristol County Savings Bank
Derek Santos, New Bedford Economic Development Council
Matt Zenni, Liberty Utilities
Terms to Expire in December 2027:
Nathan Araujo, Advance Career Services
Kevin Carando, Acushnet Company
Barbara Casagrande, AHEAD
Rose Lopes, Sylvia Group
Lynne Mastera, Precix
Douglas Rodrigues, D. E. Rodrigues & Company, Inc.
Carl Sawejko, Sawejko Communications
Matthew Schondek, Fall River Municipal Credit Union
Bernadette Souza, Youth Opportunites Unlimited
Dr. Mark Fuller, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Cindy Ko, Cindy Ko Photography