Leadership SouthCoast (LSC) is a civic leadership development program that provides emerging community leaders with a powerful learning environment and a dialogue that will last long after the program has been completed.
Each year a diverse group of acknowledged and aspiring leaders are selected to participate in a thought-provoking, 9-month community leadership program consisting of a one-day retreat and 8 monthly full-day sessions. Two of the 8 sessions are full day workshops on general leadership development presented by nationally-known leadership experts. Class members form into teams and complete a project during the program year that benefits the community.
Participants are challenged by a variety of issues presented by leaders and experts in their fields. Numerous leaders in the region volunteer their time and expertise to the program days. Each year there is an average of 40 speakers and panelists. The program includes on-site visits, readings, discussion groups, simulations, and other develop
mental activities. The purpose of the program is to transform a highly motivated group of individuals into a network of leaders with knowledge and commitment that benefits their community.
Visit www.leadershipsouthcoast.org for more information.